White Christmas revolves around two buddies, Bob Wallace and Phil Davis. After World War II, they become a popular song-and-dance duo, and they decide to help their former commanding general by putting on a show at his struggling Vermont inn. Along the way, they meet...
Past Shows
The Addams Family
THE ADDAMS FAMILY, a comical feast that embraces the wackiness in every family, features an original story and it’s every father’s nightmare: Wednesday Addams, the ultimate princess of darkness, has grown up and fallen in love with a sweet, smart young man from a...
Big Fish
Based on the celebrated novel by Daniel Wallace and the acclaimed film directed by Tim Burton, BIG FISH tells the story of Edward Bloom, a traveling salesman who lives life to its fullest…and then some! Edward’s incredible, larger-than-life stories thrill everyone...
The Rainbow Fish Musical
Everybody loves the story of The Rainbow Fish with its wonderful message of friendship and belonging. This musical features a variety of charming school and sea-creature characters who admire the famous Rainbow Fish, the most beautiful fish in the ocean. When Rainbow...
It's a dark and stormy night, and you've been invited to a very unusual dinner party. Each of the guests has an alias, the butler offers a variety of weapons, and the host is, well . . . dead. So whodunnit? Join the iconic oddballs known as Scarlet, Plum, White,...