The Siberian Solstice will return to the Huber on Dec. 17 at 7 pm for their holiday inspirational performance of sight and sound. The light show and video presentation augment the vocal and musical entertainment that has become an annual favorite on our holiday schedule. Sponsored by St. John Lutheran Church and Jim Schmidt Family of Dealerships for the perfect event to attend as a family. A free will offering will be accepted.
Comments like “This is a do not miss!” and “I would love to see it
again” are common from audience members once they have seen the
polished production by Siberian Solstice. The light show and
video presentation augment the vocal and musical performance that
brings many to return more than once a season and year after year. The
show’s narrated story “The Angel’s Gift” generates comments like “The
message you express through your music is inspiring!”.
Siberian Solstice has become one of the most enduring TSO
tributes in the country through growth and hard work over the past 16
years. We perform in theaters and larger churches in northern Ohio,
northern Indiana, and southern Michigan. We look forward to
presenting our show “The Angel’s Gift” for you!
You will enjoy the message of Christmas presented with the
music of Trans- Siberian Orchestra!